Monday, October 13, 2008

Adventures in Potty Land


I decided that it was time for Zada to get a potty chair. It is early yet, I know, but I thought well, at least it will be there for her to see and maybe she'll let me know when she is ready.

I went to Walmart for my regular weekly shopping and saw this really cute chair (Zada's is yellow though)that makes flushing noises and tells her what a good job she did.

I get it home and as soon as it is out of the box upstairs she MUST sit on it and "flush" it. I think, "GREAT,this will be easier than I thought." Then I realized she does not want to go downstairs she wants to stay on her potty (sounds like pah-te). I pick her up and Zada screams, "No, NO, NO, NOOOOO!!!" I try to calmly explain that it is a potty and not a toy. go, I end up dragging her downstairs and putting the baby gate up, because she continually tried to climb the stairs to get to her potty.

Well, we try a couple times throughout the day with no success (ie, no liquid in the chair). I'm not worried because, again, I just wanted her to get used to it. I am however glad she likes it and isn't running away screaming!

Then I'm getting her bath ready and the water is running, I get her undressed and put her on the potty, immediately I hear this tinkle sound. She stands up and points with a big "O" on her face. She is saying in Zada speak - Look what I did. After a round of praises and hugs, she proceeds to sit back on the potty again. I explain, no you went potty, it's time to get in the bathtub. We had more sucess with this than just going downstairs, because the bathtub has toys! I could not believe it, she actually went potty.

This morning, I start to get her ready and ask, "do you need to go potty?" Zada says yes, with a vigorous nod. I set her on it, she isn't going to run anywhere and I proceed to brush my teeth, then I hear the tell-tale tinkle. Whoopie. She went potty again!!!

Now, getting her dressed after the potty is another story...